Heard of the phrase, “the best of both worlds”? Dubai Dhow Cruise is absolutely one such exemplary destination. The cruise exhibits the gorgeous city besides embracing the historical ‘dhow’ and maritime stay. When we say historical, dhow (small boat) was actually a part of the old Dubai’s fishing habit. Gradually and globally, Dubai grew and accepted luxurious way of living and trading. While Dubai is a young and energetic country bound to make its visitors go head over heels, the equally entertaining and best Dhow Cruise will leave you spellbound. It gives your fleet of options to celebrate the trip like one of the richest cities would do. Drool over the lip smacking food, glance the dreamlike surroundings and capture the best view of the lifetime.
Imagine a peaceful night in the traditional dhow decorated with shimmering lights, with your favorite drink in hand, cruising through sight that’s mesmerizing and exceptional; you would want to cease that moment. Right? Dubai Dhow Cruise is exactly that. It is a majestic and novel experience that adds elegance to the overall Dubai’s excursion and makes you believe why the city stands out in tourism and bestowment. But again, if you are new to the city and are roaming without a guide, it becomes safer if you learn a few facts and data about the particular outing. You are then easily going to select the preferable dhow cruise for you, your family or friends.
1. Where can I go for a dhow cruise in Dubai?
The options are finite- Creek and Marina. You can drop a visit to any of them as they both measure rich experience.Dhow encapsulates the Arab décor and custom and offers majestic view. The duration of 2 hours is a completely out of the box moment that surprises you in food, sightseeing and more. Explaining by floors, the deluxe cruise has the lower deck in the glass walls, air-conditioned and beautifully organized. The upper deck is open-air and you can enjoy the skyline.
You can also check: Dhow Cruise Gallery
2. What do the Dubai Creek and Marina cruises look like?
Very specifically, the Creek is the one that belongs to the old Dubai whereas Marina is the part of the modern and well-established city. As the location says, Dubai Marina is going to open throngs of options for fun, entertainment and exposure, but then Creek is cheaper.Separately,the Creek is a traditional side that flows shortly through the Diera and Bur Dubai. And Marina spreads to 2 miles artificial canal city. There are no ups and downs, when it comes to which cruise offers more of landmark experiences. Creek travels along the Dubai Chamber of Commerce, Heritage Village, Palm Dera, National Park of Dubai and other architectural marvels and Marina glides at Palm Jumeirah, Atlantis Hotel, and the ultimate Burj Al Arab.Both the places have a proper Arab ambiance that tables the scrumptious dining. Any destination company would come forward to offer the best dhow cruise experience with the buffet dinner lined up with wine and Sheesha and sometimes acts and dance.
3. How do I choose a cruise between Dubai Creek and Dubai Marina?
Dubai Creek and Marina both have an equal weight of being popular and inviting. With no hands down winner and receiving alike appreciation by the visitants, you can choose any of them. The Only way to decide is Dubai Marina v/s Dhow Creek. You can surely go with whatever floats your boat. The bottom line is you’re going to dip into the surreal world and make the best time of your life.
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4. What is the best time to go for a dhow cruise in Dubai?
You can pick the day time if you have to look the modern outlook at the peak of sunlight. It shows routine of Dubai life and the daily crowd of work. But the nighttime’s promise a breathtaking view of the ambiance and more of a touring and a hustle bustle arena. The companies serving the bunch of deals and combos also offer handy pick up and drop off service in the cruise terminal.
5. How much will a Dubai Dhow Cruise experience cost?
The best dhow cruise is going to be a fantasy- the one where you have a glass-bound cruise welcoming you in grand customs and a plethora of enjoyable activities tied along. Pick the tourist company that is trying to sum up the great entertainment options in the budget with no compromise in your convenience. Yes, the variation of prices is large which can be from a mere 40 AED to whole sum of 450 AED. More the luxurious, higher pleasure and amazement’s you’re going to receive.
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6. What are the different dinning and entertainment options on these dhow cruises?
Dhow cruise is a great proposal to show tourists the paradise to relax and have fun. Well, here you can book the cruise for private parties and functions, customizing the deals your way. Companies are willing to offer more entertainment choices inclusive DJ, puppet shows and dances. The local artists perform Tanoura or belly dancing for you and your guests. The enticing entertainment is accompanied with the international dinner as starters, main course and dessert. You are welcomed with coffee, dates and snacks. You can enjoy an array of cocktails and wine along with mouth watering and soothing dessert.

7. Final words
Fallen in love already? It is entirely hypnotizing to be on the dhow cruise and feel the glory of the city in its air. With ideal research and proper details, book the “best dhow cruise” in Dubai and wait for the impeccable and unrivaled trip. Consult with the travel destination company and get access to one of the never forgettable expedition in Dubai.
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